Sunday, May 9, 2010

Barack Obama Has Lost Almost Half Of His Jewish Support

Barack Obama is losing support rapidly among a key group of voters.  A new poll by the McLaughlin Group shows that Obama has lost nearly half of his support among Jews living in the United States.  In 2008, approximately 78% of Jewish voters supported Obama, but in the new poll, only 42% of Jewish voters said that they would vote for Obama again, and 46% indicated that they would vote for someone else.  That is an extraordinary swing in less than two years.

The loss of support is especially pronounced among conservative Jews.  For example, among Orthodox/Hassidic voters, 69% indicated that they would vote for someone else, while only 17% said they would be voting for Obama next time.

So why this dramatic loss of support?

Well, the truth is that there are a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest is the fact that Barack Obama intends to shove a Palestinian state down the throats of the Israeli people.

In fact, the McLaughlin Group poll definitely showed that to be the case.  52% of those responding to the poll said that they disapproved of the Obama Administration supporting a plan to recognize a Palestinian state within two years.  62% of the respondents said that if given a state, “the Palestinians would continue their campaign of terror to destroy Israel.”

Only 19% of those responding thought that the Palestinians would live peacefully with Israel if given a state.

But Barack Obama seems absolutely determined to give the Palestinians a state anyway - even if it does cost him some crucial votes in the next election.

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