Wait a second - isn't this the same guy who promised to end these wars as soon as he became president?
Now he is sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan?
Don't "anti-War" liberal feel betrayed?
Will they now take to the streets and call for Obama to resign?
No, of course they won't.
They will fall in line and worship Obama as they always do.
The truth is that most "anti-War" liberals are a bunch of personality cultists who have sold out a long time ago.
Most of them will go along with whatever Obama decides to do.
Because he is the leader of "their team", and they have been taught to pin all of their hopes and dreams on him.
Just like most Republicans continued to support George W. Bush even when he kept making bad decision after bad decision.
The truth is that most Americans do not stand for anything anymore. Rather, most Americans are "personality cultists" who follow the leader of their "political team" no matter what they do.
It would be a grand day in America when people start waking up and start thinking for themselves again.
But instead it is likely that almost everyone will continue to be think and feel what the television tells them to think and feel.
And that is very unfortunate.
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